Is a way of short-term financing based on assignment of receivables. You can easily convert your receivables into working capital. Show more!


Based on your short or long-termed assets we can approve you a financing limit, secured by any of your assets. Show more!


PO financing is a short-termed financing of purchased material based on orders or concluded agreements with your buyers… Show more!



In past, you have already decided to use factoring services but have changed your mind just before the start as you did not want any financial institution to operate with your … Show more!


You have surely already encountered to the problem where some of your buyers were not “suitable” for classic form of factoring service due to their lower creditworthiness. Show more!


Your own factoring model will be upgraded to the extent that you will be paying costs only for the time do the maturity of your receivables… Show more!

” quote of the day
“Success is all about persistence and doing the right thing for the long term.”Bruce Rauner

Who are we ?

Pro Focus

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    We help realizing your business dreams (growth of your company) with the help of our experienced personnel. We are an independent and privately owned company specialized for different sorts of Factoring and Asset Based Lending.

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    We follow our mission to offer our clients with the personal approach different ways of short-term financing which are tailor-made for their specific needs to help them realize their goals.

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    As a reliable business partner, we want to become one of the most progressive companies on the field of managing account receivables and obligations in our region.

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    Vam pomaga z izkušenim kadrom (pri rasti vašega podjetja) uresničevati poslovne sanje. Smo neodvisno in privatno podjetje specializirano za različne vrste faktoringa in financiranje na osnovi premoženja podjetja (ang. Asset Based Lending).

  • Connector.

    Sledimo svojemu poslanstvu, da z osebnim pristopom ponudimo strankam storitve financiranja, ki so prilagojene za njihove potrebe in ki jih potrebujejo za uresničitev svojih ciljev.

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    Kot zanesljiv partner želimo skozi uresničevanje poslanstva postati eno izmed najbolj naprednih podjetij na področju upravljanja s terjatvami in obveznostmi v regiji.

With our help, you will:

  • Connector.

    gain a long-time business partner who is professional on his field of expertise and who understands your business,

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    successfully grow your business, regulate possible seasonality and can easier fulfil your new business opportunities,

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    simplify your business by trusting us receivable management and save on time as well,

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    still get working capital not to be liable to long-lasting procedures with classic financial institutions.

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    dobili dolgoletnega poslovnega partnerja, ki je strokoven na svojem področju in razume vaše poslovanje,

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    uspešno rastli, uravnavali morebitna sezonska nihanja in lažje izkoristili nove poslovne priložnosti,

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    poenostavili vaše poslovanje s tem, da boste nam zaupali upravljanje terjatev in prihranili na času,

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    še vedno pridobili obratni kapital, ne da bi bili podvrženi dolgotrajnim postopkom klasičnih finančnih institucij.

“Focus on proficiency, focus on you.”

Are you interested in any of our services?

Please click on “YES!” to fill a form or call us at +386 59 146 929.

Mon. – Fri.: 8:00 – 16:00
Sat.: 9:00 – 12:00

tel.: +386 59 146 929
e-mail: profocus@pro-focus.si

Drago Biškup
General manager
tel.: +386 40 511 224
e-mail: drago.biskup@pro-focus.si

Mateja Debeljak
Executive manager
tel.: +386 40 373 985
e-mail: mateja.debeljak@pro-focus.si

Where are we located?

PRO-FOCUS d.o.o.

Ciril-Metodov trg 18
1000 Ljubljana
Kidričeva cesta 25
3000 Celje

TRR: SI56 2900 0005 1745 283 odprt pri UNICREDIT BANKA SLOVENIJA d.d
TRR: SI56 1910 0001 1336 056 odprt pri DBS d.d.
ID št. za DDV: SI90462289
Matična št.: 6976344000

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